Archive for the tag: Symptoms

Pain in Lower Right Abdomen – causes and symptoms

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We can divide abdomen with 4 imaginary quadrant.
Following organs are located In the Right lower quadrant:
appendix, the upper portion of the colon, and the right ovary and the Fallopian tube in women.
Generally, abdominal pain is common and most cases are mild, without any serious underlying cause.
In Most cases abdominal pain is caused by indigestion, gas, constipation, muscle spasm, muscle strain or gastritis.
But when pain is severe and located, specifically on right lower quadrant of abdomen, then most common cause is appendicitis.
Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix. Appendix is a part of intestine.
Treatment of appendicitis surgical removal of appendix and it is called appendectomy.
Appendectomy is the most common surgical operation of abdomen.
Appendicitis has its highest incidence between the ages of 10 and 30 years.
Untreated, appendicitis can lead to perforation of the appendix, which typically occurs within 24 to 36 hours of the onset of symptoms. Perforation of the appendix can cause intra-abdominal infection, sepsis, intraperitoneal abscesses, and rarely death.
In order to avoid the sequelae of perforated appendicitis, a low percentage of “negative” appendectomies is generally accepted from a surgical standpoint.
If we suspect appendicitis surgical consultation should be provided, without any delay.
And we can suspect on appendicitis with the following symptoms:
abdominal pain migrating to the right lower quadrant (RLQ),
Pain from appendicitis may begin as dull pain around the navel. After several hours, pain will usually transition towards the right lower quadrant, where it becomes localized.
anorexia, fever, and nausea/vomiting. On examination, RLQ tenderness (hard), along with “classical” signs of peritoneal irritation (e.g., rebound tenderness, guarding, rigidity, referred pain).

Rebound tenderness, also known as Blumberg’s sign, refers to the presence of pain when pressure is removed from the abdomen, rather than when applied.
Abdominal guarding is the tensing of the abdominal wall muscles to guard inflamed organs within the abdomen from the pain of pressure upon them. The tensing is detected when the abdominal wall is pressed.
although many patents can have atypical presentation, so appendicitis can possible partial or without abomination symptoms.
Imaging tests, such as ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT) with and without contrast, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), are also used extensively for the diagnosis of appendicitis.

Among Women, other serious causes of lower right abdominal pain can be ovarian cyst rupture, or adnexal torsion.
Other causes can be: Kidney stones, kidney infection, hernia, rarely, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD),
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

By BruceBlaus. When using this image in external sources it can be cited staff (2014). "Medical gallery of Blausen Medical 2014". WikiJournal of Medicine 1 (2). DOI:10.15347/wjm/2014.010. ISSN 2002-4436. – Own work, CC BY 3.0,
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Appendicitis is the most common cause of right lower abdominal pain requiring surgery.
The pain from appendicitis typically starts near the navel and shifts to the right lower abdomen, becoming sharper over time.
Increased pain with coughing, movement, or jarring activities is a key indicator of appendicitis.
Young people and teens are more prone to appendicitis, often due to a blockage by stool.
Over 80% of appendicitis cases necessitate surgical intervention to prevent life-threatening complications like peritonitis.
Diagnostic tests for appendicitis include ultrasound and CT scans, with Rovsing’s sign and rebound tenderness being clinical indicators.
Kidney stones are another major cause, characterized by severe pain starting from the back or side and potentially moving towards the groin.
The pain from kidney stones is often described as the worst imaginable and is significantly different from that of appendicitis.
Ovarian cysts, fluid-filled sacs on or in the ovaries, can cause a dull ache or sharp pain, especially upon rupture.
Gastroenteritis, or stomach flu, leads to crampy, diffuse pain and is accompanied by symptoms like bloating, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) typically causes chronic discomfort and pain, not specifically in the lower right abdomen but possible.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) includes conditions like Crohn’s disease, which often causes pain in the lower right abdomen.
Anti-inflammatory medications are commonly used for IBD treatment, with surgery as an option in severe cases.
Additional causes of lower right abdominal pain include endometriosis, pelvic floor dysfunction, ectopic pregnancy, diverticulitis, and intestinal herniation.
The majority of conditions causing lower right abdominal pain require medical diagnosis and treatment, highlighting the importance of professional evaluation.


This information is provided for general knowledge and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your doctor for any questions or concerns you may have about your health.

Leg Pain: Symptoms & Treatment | Dr. Robbie George

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Leg pain results from wear and tear, overuse, or injuries in joints or bones or in muscles, ligaments, tendons or other soft tissues. Dr. Robbie George, Chief of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at Narayana Health, Bangalore discusses leg pain, it’s symptoms, treatment and management.

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Diverticulitis Signs & Symptoms (And Why They Occur)

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Diverticulitis is a gastrointestinal condition involving inflammation of diverticula, which are outpouchings or “bulges” in the large intestine that are caused by weak large intestine walls. The diverticula can form more commonly in certain parts of the large intestine, so diverticulitis symptoms can occur more commonly in particular locations on the abdomen. Furthermore, the inflammation and swelling of diverticula can lead to other more non-specific symptoms, which we will discuss in this lesson.


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Only a physician or other licensed healthcare professional are able to determine the requirement for medical assistance to be given to a patient. Please seek the advice of your physician or other licensed healthcare provider if you have any questions regarding a medical condition.
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Lower Abdominal Pain – Common Causes & Symptoms

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**You MUST protect your body and strengthen your core to avoid injury. Your life depends on it. Watch this video to learn more about WHY you might be having lower abdominal pain and what you should be doing about it.**

Top 3 Natural Pain Relievers – FREE report

Lower abdominal pain involves more than just the stomach area and is one of the most common reasons many see health care professionals. It includes the entire area from the lower rib cage to the groin. Reasons for abdominal pain range from very trivial to life threatening. Trying to figure out if you need to visit a doctor can often be a tricky situation.

What causes lower abdominal pain? A strain from lifting weights, urinary issues, hernias, reproductive problems…the list goes on and on. If you’re experiencing sharp or chronic lower abdominal pain, get to a doctor asap to get properly diagnosed.


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An overview of the etiologies and diagnostic evaluation of acute abdominal pain, including a discussion of the surgical abdomen.

Also included are specific descriptions of the presenting features of gastroenteritis, peptic ulcer disease, small bowel obstruction, appendicitis, pancreatitis, biliary colic, cholecystitis, cholangitis, and acute hepatitis.
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